Friday, August 14, 2015


LEO - New colors added to image by Flavio Cabobianco

LEO NEW MOON with VENUS August, 14, 2015 Day of Noble Hearts and Fearless Love

Today the Sun and Moon meet in the astrological sign of Leo at the time of the NEW MOON and they are together in the sky with VENUS (conjunct) and make a connection of collaboration (trine) with URANUS in the astrological sign of Aries. There is also a challenging connection (square) with SATURN in Scorpio.

The New Moon is the beginning of a monthly cycle, and as such it is a good time to set our intentions, to review our journey and make necessary adjustments.

The archetypes connected to the planets, Sun and Moon can guide us. The Sun and Moon in Leo speak of courage, being strong, fearless and acting with a noble heart and lighting the inner fire of our passion. Venus brings the powerful elements of love and harmony to the glow of passion. Uranus makes for times of adventure and sudden breakthroughs and innovation. These archetypes can flow together and excite each other forward.

Together in the mix is the cautionary presence of Saturn, ever pressing us to stay grounded and focused on reality checks and hard work. And in this case, as Saturn makes the final part of its journey through Scorpio, we may have to face a challenge from the past, and overcome obstacle related to some of our unresolved shadow aspects - with the intention to complete a deep cleansing process we have been going through.

This is a general description of the sky archetypes for this New Moon, but as always, remember we need to see in our individual chart where these placements occur to see how they relate to our personal moment in life. And also this is but one part of the bigger sky configuration that we also must take into account. This can be done in an individual consultation.

Greetings to you all! And my intentions for courage in love and life, together with creative and energizing work!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

CANCER NEW MOON + Nurture your body and soul


Today the Sun and the Moon meet and nestle together in the sky at 1:25 am July 16, 2015 in the sign of Cancer. This sign represents the archetype of the mother and the qualities of warm, holding, nurturing love and containment. It is about connecting to our personal inner world, our intimate feelings and imagination. It has to do with our 'nest', our home, our 'family'. Having a place where we feel at home and can rest and revitalize ourselves after a long day out in the world/at work. It relates to that group of people with whom we share a sense of belonging, whom we care for and who care for us.

Yet, at the same time as this lovely, caring new moon is taking place, there is a powerhouse of alignments in the sky that are activating other archetypes.

And all this coincides with the Pluto flyby this week!

Here is a lovely pic of Pluto and notice the heart shape - so beautiful, and yet, with Pluto it can be #tough love or #transformational love or just as we usually say, having to #face the shadow aspects to move forward in love and evolve!
Just a note to add that Mars (action, assertion and courage) and Mercury (communication) are in the sky together with the Sun/Moon therefore adding a quota of courage to help us express and communicate our inner emotions and needs for nurturing.

Yet Pluto in Capricorn is opposing this combo of 4 planets in Cancer, making this a time where high emotional intensity can rise very easily at the same time that there exists the potential for deep plutonic passions to be unleashed.

Uranus the planet of the unexpected, sudden changes and new breakthroughs is also implicated in this configuration and can be felt by some as if they were on a roller coaster type of adventure and by others as feeling terrified, life is too fast paced, butterflies in the stomach all the time, or you may feel a sort of electricity buzzing through your body and keeping you awake all night!

Jupiter and Venus continue their journey together in the sky in the sign of Leo, making for the expansion of love vibes during all this month and representing the qualities of experiencing joy and love and romantic intimacy. And Jupiter and Venus are now making and exact square (hard aspect) to Saturn (responsibility, real world structures). Saturn's archetype reminds us to 'stay real' and work at our relationships, and to trust that some things take 'time' to heal.

As always this is a summary of the archetypes at play and then you must look at your chart and study how it applies to you individually.

To end I would say that, looking at the dance between Jupiter and Saturn in the sky happening at this moment, this is a time to trust in (Jupiter) and take responsibility for (Saturn), our dreams, plans, ideas - if we trust and work hard, it may take some time, but we have a good chance to 'make it happen'.

Thanks and that's all for now!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

GEMINI NEW MOON + Activate your communication skills


This month's NEW MOON in GEMINI on June 16 is a fiery new moon, as it takes place in conjunction with MARS the planet of action. Gemini is related to COMMUNICATION, the new moon is the start of a monthly cycle relating to our capacity to connect and communicate, and Mars brings a fiery quality to the arena -- an impulse to leap into action in the area of communication.

Check your natal chart and see where this new moon takes place, does it activate your work environment, your career development, your family life?

For those who have been somewhat withdrawn over the past months, now is a lovely time to reach out and connect with others and socialize.


For the rest of the month there are some lovely, flowing alignments:

June 19 and 20 with a MOON - VENUS - JUPITER conjunction. This is a combination of nurturing  (Moon), love and beauty (Venus) together with joy and travel (Jupiter) archetypes.

June 26 and 27 with the VENUS - JUPITER conjunction making a flowing supportive connection with URANUS - a great weekend for spontaneous outings involving music, art, travel and enjoyment.

Thursday, May 21, 2015



The forward thrust of last month's ARIES New Moon slows down - fiery energy condenses and coalesces into matter. We have entered the sensuous earthy realm of TAURUS. The New Moon taking place on May18 is a time to reset our intention for our trail of new moons.


Taurus is about connecting to our needs and resources and finding ways to materialize and manifest in our lives. Keeping the flame of our inner fire and initial drive (Aries) alive, we become aware of our basic needs and develop grounded resources to manifest in the physical realm (Taurus).

 We can ask ourselves:

- What do I need to materialize now in my life?
- What do I need to manifest in the physical plane?
- How can I do this in a way that celebrates life in me, those around me and in the environment?
- Am I honoring the joy of sensuality in my life?
- Am I taking care of my basic needs, food, lodging, money, clothes, the basics?


***Just a note to say this is a general overview and in order to go deeper I would need to see where this new moon is positioned in your individual natal chart and what planets, if any, are connected to it. This gives more complexity and a personal context for each person to work with.

Sunday, May 3, 2015



This SCORPIO FULL MOON takes place on May 3, 2015 at 11:42 pm EST on the Scorpio - Taurus Axis and its effect can be felt for 3 days.

The powerful FULL MOON in SCORPIO receives its light from the SUN in TAURUS and has been celebrated for millennia as the Buddha Full Moon and the Wesak Festival - the time of the birth and enlightenment of the Buddha (who is believed to have six planets in Taurus).

In Celtic spirituality it is the celebration of BELTAINE, the liminal midpoint between the Spring equinox and the Summer Solstice (in the Northern hemisphere), a time when fertility and sexuality are celebrated, a time when the veil between the worlds is believed to become thinner.

The Moon in astrology relates to our emotional world, our feelings and inner sensitivity. Scorpio relates to the unconscious, our shadow material and our deep secrets. At this full moon light is cast on our scorpio themes making them more visible and bringing what is hidden up to the surface. Some say it is a time to face the dragon and walk through fear into fertile landscape. I would add that it is a time to let go of what you no longer need, such as thought patterns that put you down, or relationships that hold you back. And to embrace the healthy, renewal of life.

This year the axis of Moon in Scorpio opposite Sun in Taurus (time of the full moon) is connected to Jupiter (expansion) in Leo (self-expression) and Pluto (power and transformation) in Capricorn. This adds a layer of correlations to this Scorpio full moon. As you release the patterns and habits you no longer need, and move through any residual or intense emotional pain, you are also stepping into the light of your true self-expression. As you shine with inner confidence you show the world and those around you your talents and your sincere, inspirational thoughts (Jupiter / Leo).

Some Scorpio related themes you can delve into:

-What secret can you unearth at this time and see in a new light?

-Are you a control freak in any area of your life?

-Issues of trust and betrayal - who can you really trust?

-Make a plan to repay your debt - debt drains your energy.

-Clear up a misunderstanding with a friend.

-Start dancing and rock the pelvis.

Friday, April 17, 2015

ARIES NEW MOON April 18, 2015 + START UP!


The ARIES NEW MOON is about ACTION and MOVING FORWARD with energy and decision. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and correlates with putting our ideas and projects into action: forward motion.


MARS, the *ALLY of Aries, is in earthy TAURUS which is related to our resources, material needs and money.

This pairing of Aries and Taurus brings a particular flavor to this fiery new moon. As we set in motion our burst of Aries vitality and action, let's be mindful of our resources and tangible concerns on all levels: physical, mental and emotional.

"As your fire for action burns, make sure your resources are replenished as needed."

The ARIES NEW MOON takes place on April 18 at 2:56 PM EST when both sun and moon "meet" in the sky initiating a new lunation cycle, which happens every 28/29 days. Each time the cycle starts up in a different part of the sky, bringing a different 'quality' we can align with. This month's rendezvous takes place in fiery ARIES.

The time of the new moon is a powerful moment of introspection where we set our INTENT or INTENTION for that cycle.

Find a moment over this weekend to SET YOUR INTENTION for the new ARIES cycle. Bear in mind this is a cycle of action and moving forward in your life (Aries) while keeping in mind your need to replenish your resources and to be mindful of your money and belongings (Taurus). Find creative ways to integrate both!

Each sign has a corresponding planet, the moon or the sun with which it shares similar qualities. In traditional astrology this is called the sign's regent. I am calling it: the ALLY. For example, the planet MARS and ARIES share the quality of ACTION. As in life, the ally can be supportive or detrimental according to its placement. Eg: Mars is now in Taurus, an earth sign which is focused on replenishing resources. Taurus can work together with Aires by bringing a sense of groundedness to one's actions.

In our "TRAIL OF NEW MOONS" we are exploring the path of new moon qualities along the year 2015 and we are connecting to the story-line they weave. At each station of this journey we find inspiration to move forward, to reflect on the past, and to ground what is meaningful in our lives. We examine the archetypes of the zodiac, planetary mythology and the placement of each new moon in our natal charts, and we correlate all this with our personal life experiences.

Aries Symbol

Thursday, April 2, 2015

FULL MOON April 4, 2015 + ECLIPSE

Total Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon - Aires/Libra axis

The full moon is when the sun and the moon are opposite each other in the sky. As the sun sets in the western horizon, the moon starts to rise in the east. Sometimes at this time the earth casts its shadow on the moon and produces a lunar eclipse - this will happen on April 4, 2015.

This full moon takes place on the Aries/Libra axis highlighting a polarity between self and other, action and balance. The sun in fiery Aries correlates to vigorously pushing forward at the initiation of a new cycle, and putting one’s desires into action. The moon in Libra correlates with feeling the need to find balance in one’s life and the importance of relationships. This is the polarity we need to integrate at this new moon.

This eclipse is significant because it happens just 1degree away from the Uranus/Pluto tug that has been going on since June 2012 and which has corresponded with a time of great change and intensity in the collective and individual arena of consciousness. This full moon gives us a last nudge to release and let go of old patterns that could potentially hold us back.

We now move into a time where we can integrate the changes and insights of these past 3 years. And here is where this Full Moon is important as it represents the power of a new beginning (Aries) together with the awareness of how to bring balance and harmony into our lives (Libra).


Propelling our individual projects into action (Aries) and awareness of our relationships (Libra).

QUESTIONS we may want to ponder on:

1- Looking back at these past 3 years, can I see all the changes in my life? Can I own the fire of my vitality and move forward in my life and remain in touch with my inner drive and passion? ARIES: I AM

2- Can I simultaneously make a pause to breathe and realize what adjustments I need to make to bring balance into my life, on a physical, emotional, cognitive and inspirational level? And in my relationships with others? LIBRA: I AM WITH OTHERS

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

PISCES NEW MOON + ECLIPSE: March 20th, 2015

PISCES NEW MOON + ECLIPSE: March 20th, 2015

#DreamyPisces Water Cleansing #SparklingAires Fire Initiation
This month the New Moon takes place in Pisces on March 20 at the time of a full eclipse of the Sun. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and reminds us to take time to cleanse and dissolve the residues of the trail of new moons that started way back in Aries in March 2014. Watery Pisces suggests a slow, dreamy release in order to prepare for the renewing of the cycle.
Yet, a few hours later, on March 21 both the Sun and the Moon are in Aries and the Spring Equinox takes place, propelling us into a new cycle of directed action (Aries). These two processes are in close proximity: one of dissolution and cleansing and another dynamic process of initiation. How will we deal with being in both these ‘places’ at the same time?
We can prepare by doing some clearing and cleansing right now. Then once Spring is here and we feel the pull to jump into action, it is our ‘creative challenge’ to find ways to integrate the Aries energy of new beginnings with any ‘letting go’ that is still needed, allowing for both in ways that are meaningful.
Check out my tumblr account to see some beautiful photographs by Ryan McGinley that show the movement of the zodiac from watery Pisces to fiery Aries. The flow of the dreamy piscean world out of which arises a new sparkling fire initiation in Aries.

Friday, March 6, 2015


Virgo Full Moon March 5, 2015 as the Sun is in Pisces - empathy and practicality!
March 2015 is a high energy month as both Mars and Venus (love and attraction) moved into fiery Aries (action). Also the ongoing dance between Uranus (creativity) and Pluto (intensity and power) reaches its climax suggesting a display of sparks of revolutionary energy and tensions moving to action. Saturn continues its transit in Sagittarius churning up the fires of religious/spiritual/philosophical issues.

Today's March 5 Full Moon in Virgo is about finding ways to ground and organize all this dynamic mix in functional and healing ways. With empathy and sensibility - the sun is, after all, in the sign of Pisces!

I write this update to provide astrological context to our journey of new moons. Meanwhile, we continue to track our creative ideas and insights, the seeds of the two consecutive Aquarius new moons, and we connect with our dreams for inspiration as we move towards our next new moon meeting later this month of March.

Looking forward,

Suzanne Tribe

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Trail of New Moons - Aquarius again!!!

Zodiac symbol for Aquarius - the Water-Bearer

February 18, 2015 Aquarius New Moon - again!!!

This month's new moon took place in the last degree of Aquarius and brings a renewed opportunity to nurture (moon) our creative potential (aquarius) and track our insightful ideas. Last month I suggested asking ourselves some questions related to changes we want to make and what may be holding us back (see blog entry for January 20).

 Soon after this new moon in Aquarius, both Sun and Moon went into Pisces, the 'stuff' that dreams are made of, therefore, I suggest we continue our trail of new moons in the following way. Each night before going to sleep, formulate the intention that your dreams will offer information and insights related to this month's quest (nurturing your creative potential) and write them down. Remember to place a notebook and a pen next to your bed as these insights usually appear in the middle of the sleep cycle and have a way of vanishing into 'other dimensions' if we don't write them down in the moment!

You can practice this each night till the next new moon March 20, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


And so we resume the exploration of phases of the moon - today on the first new moon of 2015 - the Aquarius New Moon of January 20, 2015. At the time of the new moon, the Sun and the Moon travel together in the sky, from our earthly perspective. There is a different quality in the night sky, a certain darkness which calls for introspection - at the same time the stars shine brighter than ever, reminding us of our stellar origin. 

Each new moon has its own distinct quality, taking on the essence of the sign it is in and today it is Aquarius. Aquarius is the 'stuff' that creativity is made of - it is vibrant and electric. It is the energy of insights that appear suddenly like a flash of lightning in the sky. Aquarius revels in freedom and the unexpected. Aquarius is the exhilaration of embracing renewal and letting go of what holds us back. Aquarius energy moves fast, thinks outside the box and is innovative. It is our 'creative ideas'.

This new moon takes place amidst many other intense astrological configurations, and it calls for introspection and connection with one's innermost creative sensibility. My proposition is that you take a moment tonight on this first new moon of 2015 and ponder on these questions: 
-What areas of your life would you like to live more creatively and express with more freedom? 
-What intentions can you formulate to align with creative energy in your life, wherever you think it is needed? 
-Is there anything you need to let go of in order to open yourself up to your creative impulses? 
Ideally we do this tonight with the new moon, but you can do this at any moment between today and the next new moon on February 18, as a way to set your intent on the journey of moon trails 2015.


#a time to nourish and nurture (1) #activation (1) #acuario (1) #aguatero (1) #air (1) #aire (1) #Amulet (1) #aquarius (1) #astrologia (1) #astrology (1) #communication (2) #DreamyPisces Water Cleansing #SparklingAires Fire Initiation (1) #freedom (1) #gemini (2) #gemini2017 (1) #libertad (1) #moon in cancer 2017 (1) #new moon (3) #reiki (1) #SuninAries2017 (1) #SuninCancer2017 (1) #sutribe (1) #urano (1) #uranus (1) #waterbearer (1) #where is home? (1) 2015 (2) 2022 (1) 7 DAYS of the WEEK 7 DIAS de la SEMANA (1) a sense of purpose and responsibility (1) a time to communicate (1) amulet (1) AQUARIUS NEW MOON 2011 (1) Aquarius New Moon 2015 (1) aquarius new moon ritual (1) ARIES NEW MOON 2008 The Beginning (1) ARIES/LIBRA AXIS (1) AriesMoon (1) as above so below (1) astrologia (1) astrology (4) balance (1) beauty (1) CaminodelDragon (1) cancer (2) Cancer New Moon (1) CANCER NEW MOON 2008 The Mystery of Caring for (1) Cancer new moon 2020 (1) cancereclipse (1) Capricorn (2) CAPRICORN NEW MOON (1) Capricorn New Moon 2019 (1) CapricornFullMoon (1) Capricornio (3) carloscastaneda (1) casa (1) communication (1) corazón (1) december (1) eclipse (2) Eclipses (1) EclipseSeason (1) equinoccio (1) Fearless Love (1) Fly walk with me (1) FULL MOON April 4 (1) fullmoon (1) gemini making connecitons (1) GEMINI NEW MOON 2008 Communication (1) GOALS and INTENTIONS (1) harmony (1) justice (1) Killin Stone Circle (1) Leo New Moon (1) LEO NEW MOON 2008 Life with passion (1) LeoNewMoon2020 (1) Libra (1) LIBRA NEW MOON 2008 Life as Art as Life (1) LibraNewMoon2019 (1) LibraNewMoon2020 MarsRetrograde2020 (1) LibraSun (1) love (1) lunaenleo (1) lunanueva (2) LunaNuevaLibra (1) mandala hands (1) MarsLibra (1) MarteRetrogrado (1) MATERIALIZE (1) mercury in cancer (1) mercury retrograde 2019 (1) moon power (1) moons (1) mountains to climb in 2016 (1) new moon (1) NEW MOON IN CAPRICORN 2016 (1) New Moon Intentions (2) New Moon Ritual (2) newmoon (1) Noble Heart (1) NodosLunares (1) Nurturing (1) nurturing your creative potential (1) Partial Eclipse (1) Pass on the Fire - Winter Solstice (1) PathoftheDragon (1) PICS by SUZANNE TRIBE (1) PISCIS NEW MOON 2011 (1) Pluto (1) Pluto flyby (1) pluton (1) poderpersonal (1) power (1) resources (1) Ring of Fire eclipse (1) ritual (1) SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON 2008 Expanding your Vision (1) saltar el surco (1) scorpio (1) scorpio new moon (2) SCORPIO NEW MOON 2008 Life Death and Renewal (1) scorpio transformation (1) Second Aquarius New Moon 2015 (1) signo (1) sol (2) solstice (3) Solstice 2019 (1) solstice 2020 (1) Solstice June 2019 (1) solstice magic (1) solsticio (4) SoulJourney (1) standingstones (2) Stonehenge (2) summer (1) sun (3) Sun and Moon in Leo (1) sun in gemini 2017 (1) Taurus (1) TAURUS NEW MOON 2008 Gathering energy for the journey (1) TAURUS NEW MOON 2015 (1) The Way of Mandala (1) Thinking outside the Box (1) TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE (1) Trail of new moons 2015 (1) transform (1) tropical astrology (1) tropical zodiac as sacred geometry (1) venus (1) VenusScorpio (1) verano (1) ViajedelAlma (1) Virgo Full Moon March 5 (1) VIRGO NEW MOON 2008 Less is More (1) What is astrology (1) WHAT IS ASTROLOGY 2007 AS ABOVE SO BELOW AS BELOW SO ABOVE (1) winter (2) words we need to say (1) zodiaco (1)