Thursday, October 15, 2020

Luna Nueva en Libra 2020 y Marte Retrogrado

 Luna Nueva en Libra 2020 y Marte Retrogrado


El 16 de octubre 2020 es la Luna Nueva en Libra, el Sol y la Luna viajan juntos en su cita mensual, esta vez en el signo zodiacal de Libra que se corresponde con las cualidades de la ARMONIA y el EQUILIBRIO.


La luna Nueva en Libra también marca la mitad del año astrológico que comenzó con la luna nueva de Aries el 20 de marzo 2020 y que coincidió con las medidas estrictas de prevención de la salud y cuarentena implementadas mundialmente. El mundo tal cual lo conocíamos ha cambiado y estamos atravesando la etapa inicial de un tremendo proceso de re-estructuración y transformación.  


La energía de Libra se correlaciona con la búsqueda del equilibrio y la armonía amorosa en nuestra vida y nuestros vínculos. Esta luna nueva nos invita a llevar la mirada a estos 6 meses que han pasado y evaluar donde necesitamos re-equilibrar muestra vida, y mirara hacia delante para visualizar como integrar medidas de sano equilibrio. Como la mariposa suspendida en pleno vuelo que revé el camino andando y mira también el camino que se abre adelante.


Por favor tomen nota que Marte brilla en el cielo nocturno con particular belleza en estos días.  Les sugiero salir y observar si les es posible. Aparece sobre el horizonte oriental poco después de la caída del Sol y permanece visible toda la noche.


Marte está retrogradando por el signo zodiacal de Aries desde Setiembre 9 hasta Noviembre 14, 2020 y astrológicamente es un buen momento para llevar a la acción cosas que quizás no hayan podido realizar o que desistieron de llevar a la acción debido a las restricciones 2020.  Marte retrogrado es un buen momento para re-activar. 


Exploren nuevos formatos, ensayen nuevas maneras de activar, y busquen cómo re-equilibrar la vida y nutrir los vínculos  con amor y armonía.


Para saber cómo influye esta Luna Nueva en Libra y Marte retrogrado en tu carta individual, consultá con un/a astrologo/a.  Yo estoy disponible para trabajar con vos mediante la consulta astrológica. Mi contacto es: Suzanne Tribe


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Libra New Moon 2020 & Mars Retrograde

 New Moon in Libra - October 16, 2020

October 16, 2020 is the Libra New Moon, the Sun and the Moon travel together in the sky during their monthly rendezvous-vous triggering a new moon cycle, this time in the zodiac sign of Libra which correlates with the energies of BALANCE and HARMONY. 

The Libra New Moon also marks the astrological mid point of the year which started at the Aries New Moon in March 2020 coinciding with the strict prevention measures and lockdowns implemented around the world due to current health concerns. The world as we knew it has changed and we are experiencing the initial stages of a huge restructuring process and transformation. 

Libra energy is about finding balance in our life and creating harmony in our relationships. This new moon is a time to look back on the past 6 months and evaluate what we need to re-balance and re-harmonize in our lives, and then look forward and how to create a healthy measure of equilibrium. Like the butterfly poised in mid air scanning the path traversed and the path that lies ahead. 

Please take note that Mars is a beautiful sight at this time as it rises in the Eastern horizon a little after sunset and shines bright in the sky all night. I would suggest going out and observing the night skies if you are able to. Mars is in its retrograde motions through Aries from September 9 to November 14, 2020 and this is astrologically a good time to re-try doing things you had to postpone or that you dropped due to the 2020 health concerns. Mars retrograde in Aries is a good time to re-activate some of those things.  

Explore new formats, new ways of action and make adjustments to re-balance your life and nurture loving relationships in your life.

This is a general reading of the astrological skies and to find out how this correlates to your individual experience and where this new moon in Libra and Mars retrograde are influencing your personal life, please contact an astrologer for an individual reading. I am available for astrology readings and and would be delighted to work with you. For astro consultations contact me at Suzanne Tribe email: 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Leo New Moon 2020 & Radiant Heart Breath

 Leo New Moon 2020


The Leo New Moon takes place on August 18, 2020 as the Sun and Moon walk together in the sky in the zodiac sign of Leo, a fire sign that corresponds with igniting our passion to live from the heart and radiate our most genuine and authentic version of ourselves. 


This fire new moon takes place at a pivotal point in human history when the cosmic watches of our planetary system are being reset. We are at the end of many converging cosmic cycles as we witness many world forms and structures wearing down. At the same time we are entering a portal of renewal, a new time. We envision areas of needed change and feed the fires of hope and action for the future. The new forms are unfolding and still to be developed. 


Currently there is a large quota of anxiety in the face of the unknown when things that made us feel safe are undergoing a process of transformation. Together with this there is a strong intuition that we are experiencing the opportunity to create a new paradigm based on loving relationships, creative living and collaborative structures. 


Fire is a powerful activator of our awareness and Leo points towards a return to the heart, an activation of the awareness of the heart. 


Kindling the flames of our creative, genuine and loving essence, may we honor who we are, our environment and our loved ones. 


Whatever we intend and act on today creates a ripple effect throughout the fabric of the world reaching out beyond space and time.


To this end I share with you this Radiant Heart Breath for the Leo New Moon 2020


Radiant HeartBreath


Start by finding a place where you can sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. 


Breathe in - pause - breathe out - pause. Repeat. 


Now place your attention on the area of your heart and imagine you are breathing in and out through the heart.


Find a rhythm that is comfortable and then imagine or visualize something that makes you feel joy, gratitude or wonder. It can be the warmth of the sun on your skin, the smile of a loved one or the image of a beautiful flower. Allow the feeling of warmth to grow, radiate and expand with each breath. 


Allow yourself to stay in this loving space for a few minutes. Thank yourself for being there for yourself. 


This is the radiant heart breath, which you can practice at the start or end of the day or at any time during the day. You can also place your hand lightly on your heart area to add an extra layer of presence to the heart breath experience.




Suzanne Tribe





Luna Nueva en Leo agosto 2020

 Luna Nueva en Leo 2020


El 18 de agosto 2020 es la Luna Nueva en Leo, es decir, la luna y el sol se encuentran juntos en el cielo en el signo de Leo, un signo de fuego que tiene correspondencia con nuestra pasión humana por vivir desde nuestro centro vital más autentico y genuino. Vivir e irradiar desde el corazón.


El contexto en el cual se da esta luna de fuego es durante un momento clave en la historia de la humanidad en el cual hay una convergencia de relojes cósmicos que están llegando al final de sus ciclos, agotando  formas y estructuras del pasado. Coincidentemente se están iniciando ciclos planetarios nuevos y como en todo inicio, tenemos vislumbres del futuro y alimentamos esperanzas de cambio, pero las nuevas formas todavía no están plasmadas. 


Por lo tanto, al mismo tiempo que esta crisis mundial trae ansiedad y zozobra frente a lo familiar que se derrumba, y la incógnita de lo desconocido aun por manifestarse, intuimos que es también una oportunidad para intentar profundamente la creación de un nuevo paradigma más justo y amoroso, vivido desde la colaboración y la creatividad.


El fuego es un activador de la conciencia y Leo nos sugiere volver al corazón, activar la conciencia del corazón, encender la llama de nuestro ser más genuino creativo y amoroso, para honrar quiénes somos y así relacionarnos con el mundo y con nuestros seres queridos. 

Todas nuestras intenciones y acciones de hoy crean un efecto vibratorio en el  tejido del  mundo extendiéndose mas allá del espacio y del tiempo.  


A tal fin, para esta Luna Nueva en Leo 2020 les comparto esta meditación activadora del corazón.


Respiración del Corazón Radiante:


Empiece por encontrar un lugar donde pueda sentarse cómodamente, cierre los ojos y concéntrese en su respiración.


Inspire, haga una pausa, exhale, haga una pausa. Repita.


Ahora ponga su atención en el área de su corazón e imagine que está inhalando y exhalando a través del corazón.


Encuentre un ritmo que sea cómodo y luego imagine o visualice algo que le genere sentimientos de alegría, gratitud o asombro. Puede ser, por ejemplo, la sensación placentera del calorcito del sol sobre la piel, la sonrisa de un ser querido o la imagen de una hermosa flor. 

Permita que la sensación crezca, se irradie y se expanda con cada respiración.


Permítase permanecer en este espacio amoroso durante unos minutos. 


Esta es la respiración del corazón radiante que puede practicar al comienzo, al final o en cualquier momento de cada día. 


También puede colocar una mano ligeramente sobre el área de su corazón para agregar una capa adicional de presencia a la experiencia de la respiración del corazón.


Suzanne Tribe, Astróloga

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

New theory: Tropical Zodiac based in Sacred Geometry

How Astrology works: A New Theoretical Framework

The Tropical Zodiac has always been based in the Seasons. Are we ready to include another dimension or dimensions to our view of Astrology? One based in Sacred Geometry, Fractals, Spin, Fibonacci sequences?

There is a new theory which supports the view that the Tropical Zodiac is based in Sacred Geometry.

I'm posting a youtube link you can follow and listen to this theory if you are interested. It includes Nassim Haramein talking about his concept of Space.

How Astrology Works: A New Theoretical Framework

The Basis of the Tropical Zodiac: Sacred Geometry

Who resonates with this view? Let me know in the comments section.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

2020 Solsticio Eclipse Sol y Luna Nueva en Cancer

2020 Solsticio, Eclipse, Sol y Luna Nueva en Cancer

Stonehenge UK

El fin de semana del 20 y 21 de junio se celebra el Solsticio de Invierno en el hemisferio sur y el Solsticio de Verano en el hemisferio norte.  El Sol también hace su ingreso al signo zodiacal de Cáncer, seguido de un Eclipse Solar con aro de fuego, y a poquito de ahí se hace la Luna Nueva en Cáncer. El efecto potenciado de esta triplicidad solilunar seguirá vibrando durante 3 días hasta el 24 de junio. 

Estamos en un momento clave en la historia de la humanidad y desde el punto de vista astrológico vemos que hay una convergencia de relojes cósmicos que están llegando al final de sus ciclos, agotando  formas y estructuras del pasado, Coincidentemente se están iniciando ciclos planetarios nuevos y como todo inicio, vislumbramos el futuro, tenemos esperanza de cambio pero las nuevas formas todavía no están plasmadas. Por lo tanto ahora es una oportunidad para intentar profundamente en la creación de este nuevo paradigma.

El futuro es fluido: 

todas nuestras intenciones y acciones de hoy crean un efecto vibratorio en el  tejido del  mundo extendiéndose mas allá del espacio y del tiempo.  

Tomemos estos días del solsticio hasta el 24 de junio para meditar, reflexionar y escribir nuestras intenciones. También cantemos, bailemos y toquemos tambores para generar una fuerza vibratoria que viaje por el universo (esto está científicamente probado).

Jupiter en el cielo nocturno

** Para quienes aman observar el cielo nocturno: observen a Júpiter durante este año a medida que va llegando a su conjunción con Saturno el 21 de diciembre de 2020. En astrología Júpiter es el maestro de nuestro viaje de la conciencia. Podemos alinearnos con esta energía de abundancia y libertad interna para trazar e imaginar nuestros propios nuevos ciclos y relojes cósmicos, y cuál es el rumbo que tiene sentido para nosotros en forma individual, en nuestras relaciones y con nuestro vínculo colectivo.
Esta foto es del Solsticio de Verano de Junio 2019 en Stonehenge

Friday, June 19, 2020

2020 Solstice Solar Eclipse New Moon Triplicity!

2020 Solstice Solar Eclipse New Moon Triplicity!

June 20 & 21, 2020

This weekend June 20 & 21, 2020 is the Summer Solstice (Winter Solstice), the Sun enters the zodiac sign of Cancer and this is immediately followed by the New Moon and a Solar Eclipse creating a stunning “Ring of Fire”. The effect of all this extends over to June 24th.

Cosmic watches are being reset - new time, new codes

This triplicity of solilunar events is taking place at a pivotal point in human history when all the cosmic cycles of our planetary system are being reset. We are at the end of many converging cosmic watches, and we are entering the portal of a new time and new codes. 

This is an opportunity for all humanity to intend deeply how we want to collaborate in the creation of this new paradigm of expanding awareness. 

The future is fluid

The future is fluid: whatever we intend and act on today creates a ripple effect throughout the fabric of the world reaching out beyond space and time. Let us be in ceremony during these solstice days which last till June 24, and meditate, reflect and write our intentions, then let’s sing and dance and drum and empower the vibratory fields that travel out to the universe (this is actually scientifically proven).

Skygazers -- Jupiter

Hint for night sky gazers: watch Jupiter in the sky throughout this year as it approaches its conjunction with Saturn on December 21st, 2020.  In astrology Jupiter is a master guide on our journey of awareness. Jupiter is the planet of expanded horizons that stimulates a sense of inner strength, abundance and welcoming confidence.  We can align ourselves with this energy of inspiration, abundance, creativity and freedom and participate actively in dreaming up the new cycles and cosmic watches individually, with our loved ones and collectively.
This pic was taken during the Summer Solstice June 2019 - at Stonehenge UK

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Aries New Moon 2020 / Luna Nueva (English/Castellano

Today is the New Moon in Aries! March 2020

The Sun and the Moon travel together in the sky initiating the astrological new year - and another turn round the zodiac.

Aries is Fire, action, courage and the capacity to start up!

This is a time to harness the energy of the Aries fire moon and conjure up the impulse to act and move forward in our lives. Let’s think about where we need to create new beginnings. What things did we leave undone in the past that we feel inspired to activate now?

There is a sense that things are changing fast. The world is changing. And with Saturn (the established order) in Aquarius (change and creativity) we can “expect the unexpected”- and hope for change that is creative and equitable. And with Uranus transiting through Taurus we can hope for revolutionary new ways to relate to the earth 🌎 and our resources.

What are our challenges? Our fears?

Fire burns through fear!

Let’s harness the fire of this Aries New Moon and let it light the way for us to move forward with vitality and courage and faith!

This Aries New Moon is a powerful moon we can resonate with and at this time create our intentions for this new astrological year.

The questions we can ask ourselves are:

What do I want to initiate?

In what areas of my life do I want to move forward?

Where do I want to light the fire of new beginnings?

What are the things I had planned to do and maybe now is the time to do them?

What are my challenges?

Fire burns through fear!

These questions help us to think about the Aries energy and guide us to formulate our intentions.

* Keep practicing the Heart Breath daily -from Feb 2020 post Leo Full Moon Aquarius Sun.

Luna Nueva en Aries! Marzo 2020

Hoy es la luna nueva en Aries, el sol y la luna viajan juntos en el cielo iniciando el año nuevo astrológico - hoy comenzamos una nueva vuelta al zodiaco.

Aries es fuego, la capacidad de iniciar, la acción y el coraje.

Esta es una luna poderosa con la cual podemos entrar en sintonía y crear nuestras intenciones para este año astrológico.

Las preguntas que nos podemos hacer son:

Cuales son las cosas que quiero iniciar?

A que le quiero dar impulso en mi vida durante el 2020?

Donde siento que quiero prender la chispa del inicio?

Que cosas se me quedaron en el tintero y ahora quiero retomar?

Cuales son los desafíos? Aries es fuego purificador y ayuda a atravesar los miedos.

Estas preguntas nos ayudan a pensar en relación a la energía de Aries y crear nuestras intenciones.

El impulso es Ariano 1, 2 y 3 y arrancamos la primera luna de fuego 🔥 del 2020

*sigamos practicando La Respiración del corazón del posteo de Febrero 2020 Luna Lena en Leo Sol en Acuario

Friday, February 7, 2020

Leo Full Moon and Aquarius Sun
February 9 2020

A celebration of the heart: It is safe to love and be loved. 

🌟Includes the HeartBreath practice at the end

🌕 The full moon is a time when the energy of the earth is open and outgoing.  The zodiac sign of Leo ♌️ is centered in the heart ❤️ and the awakening of our noble spirit. Leo in our astro chart highlights the creative self and our capacity for leadership. Therefore the Leo Full Moon on February 8/9 2020 is a time to celebrate. 
🌟Be inspired to love and be loved. 
🌟Feel the urge to go out and share your creative spirit with others. 
🌟Light up your life with the noble flame of passion. 
🌟Practice the HeartBreath daily. 

Genuine love and romance are in the air. 

🌕 The full moon takes place when the sun and moon are opposite each other in the sky. So take some time to look at the moon as it rises in the sky just after sunset. This full moon is a SUPERMOON (moon’s closest orbit to Earth) so with clear skies it is a majestic sight!

🌞 Remember the Sun is in Aquarius so check your intentions from the Aquarius New Moon on January 24 2020 -renewal of creativity and awareness of the collective- and notice how they are unfolding in the context of this Leo Full Moon celebration of the heart ❤️ and the midpoint of the lunar month. 

It is also the beginning of the Chinese New Year -year of the rat

The HeartBreath
Leo Full Moon 
February 9 2020

⭐️The Heart Breath: A celebration of the heart

In preparation for and during the Leo Full Moon 2020 practice this HeartBreath as a form of atunement and include it in your full moon ritual.
Start by finding a place where you can sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. 

Breathe in - pause - breathe out - pause. Repeat. 

Now place your attention on the area of your heart and imagine you are breathing in and out through the heart ❤️ 

Find a rhythm to your breathing that is comfortable and then imagine or visualize something that makes you feel joy, gratitude or wonder. It can be the image of a beautiful flower, the warmth of the sun on your skin or the smile of a loved one. Allow the feeling to grow, radiate and expand with each breath. 

Allow yourself to stay in this loving space for a few minutes. Thank yourself for being there for yourself. 

This is the radiant heart breath which you can practice at the start or end of the day or at any time during the day. You can also place your hand lightly on your heart area to add an extra layer of presence to the heart breath experience


Saturday, January 25, 2020


First New Moon of the Decade 2020

Aquarius New Moon

January 24 Aquarius New Moon
January 24, 2020
Aquarius New Moon

The New Moon is a time to go within and ask yourself how you feel about your life. It marks the beginning of the lunar month and is an auspicious time to plant seeds and intentions for moving forward. 

Aquarius ♒️ relates to our creative self. 

For some people being creative equates to rebelling against stereotypes and norms, for others it is about being and thinking outside the box and inventing, and for others it is about being in a state of flow, being present in the here and now. And for some it is a combination of all the above plus a large dose of intuitive flashes. 

There are Aquarians who are:
Futuristic scientists
Humanistic artists

Socially conscious workers

Preparing Aquarius New Moon Ritual 

The Moon 🌙 = feeling world
The Sun ☀️ = expressive world
Aquarius ♒️ = creative world

At this time of the New Moon it is helpful to ask ourselves HOW WE FEEL. As it is an Aquarius Moon the theme we ask about is our CREATIVITY. 

How do I feel creative? In my life in general? At work? At home? In my relationships? With my partner?With my resources? Networking and communicating?

Getting ready to set intentions
When do I FEEL creative?
What frees up my creative juices?
When do I feel there is flow in my life?
How do I feel safe opening up to my creativity?

These are all Aquarius New Moon inner explorations. 

Once you receive insight into these themes, set your intentions, write them down or find an art form to process your thoughts such as mandala painting, singing or chanting them.

 As the month progresses and the Aquarius Sun ☀️ travels along its path in the sky, focus on ways to EXPRESS YOUR INTENTIONS. Let us know how it goes!

Crystal Grid for Aquarius New Moon


LIONSGATE highlights and LEO SEASON 2019


Sirius is the brightest Star 🌟 in our night sky and is considered our Spiritual Sun by many ancient cultures. The Egyptians aligned their pyramids to Sirius. 

At this time when our Sun 🌞 is in the sign of Leo ♌️, Sirius rises in the sky just before sunrise, without being blocked by the Sun - opening a portal or doorway allowing in new opportunities. 

For the Ancient Egyptians Sirius Rising 🌠announced the yearly flooding of the Nile and the return of a cycle of fertility and prosperity. It marked the beginning of the new year. 


August 8, 2019

✨A day of high vibrational energy
✨Sun in Leo: heart-centered love
✨VENUS and JUPITER are in powerful alignment
✨Numerology: 8 the number of POWER and TRANSFORMATION
✨SIRIUS Rising: opening to higher wisdom

El Portal de LionsGate 8:8 🌟🦁
✨Hoy es un día de altas frecuencias vibracionales
✨Sol en Leo: irradiando la energía del corazón 

✨VENUS y JUPITER se alinean formando un fuerte aspecto de colaboración. 
✨Numerología: el número 8 simboliza el PODER de la TRANSFORMACION
✨La estrella SIRIO Ascendiendo: nos abrimos a nuevos niveles de conocimiento e intuición .

LIONSGATE PORTAL 8-8-2019 Getting ready!

During this time when the Sun 🌞 is in Leo ♌️, the sign it rules, we have a unique configuration called the LIONSGATE PORTAL from July 26 to August 12, which reaches its maximum vibrational energy on August 8, 2019 - the day Sirius starts its new cycle and the day of  the Venus Jupiter conjunctio. 

With the Sun in Leo we can open ourselves to experiences of heart centered vitality and leadership. At the peak of this Leo season we have Venus, the planet of love, connecting with Jupiter, the planet of abundance, in a configuration that astrologers call a FIRE 🔥 TRINE. A Trine is an alliance that promotes collaboration between the planets involved. In this case it brings a wonderful influx of loving energy and a senses of abundance to the Leo HEART CENTERED PASSION ❤️ of the month. 

Prepare for the LIONSGATE Portal by staying open to your intuition, open to love, be ready to forgive, as you strengthen your heart centered energies. 

SUN IN LEO - July 22, 2019 🦁

The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Leo ♌️ on July 22 2019 at 22:50 EST. Leo is a FIRE 🔥 sign together with Aries ♈️ and Sagittarius ♐️ As such these personalities are outgoing, brave and spontaneous - filled with vital energy and the spark of life. ✨✨✨

What makes Leo ♌️ different from the other Fire signs? 
✨Aries ♈️ is all about INITIATING, starting up and setting in motion. 
✨Sagittarius ♐️ is about finding meaning to life and being on a journey in search of the TRUTH. ✨Leo ♌️ is all about PASSION and the HEART. 

Leo gravitates towards being at the HEART OF THE MATTER. ✨Leo personalities are natural leaders and are most comfortable being at the center of the action. They are typically noble hearted, and creative. 

✨The LION 🦁 is the archetypal animal associated with Leo and you may hear Leos ROAR as they assert themselves vigorously. ✨👍🏼

✨ Just a word of caution to all you Leos: remember that with Mercury retrograde in Cancer until July 31, it might be best to communicate in loving and gentle ways, and let out your ROAR after July 31st. 

♌️Leo:  noble of heart radiating genuine self expression. 

LEO NEW MOON 🌚 ♌️ July 31/August 1, 2019

The month of July ends with a dynamic Leo New Moon marking a time to reconnect with our true essence, release misconceptions about who we are, and shine our genuine heart self out to the world. 

At this time Mercury, the planet of communication, stops its retrograde motion in the sign of Cancer ♋️ and gets ready to move forward again. May we bring forth the lessons we learnt during this time of introspection related to how we communicate with others and the words we use in our relationships. And may we create connections that are genuine and joyful as Mercury moves towards entering the sign of ♌️ Leo on August 12, 2019.

Venus, the planet of love, is in Leo at the time of this New Moon sharing its loving energy with the Sun and the Moon. And Mars, the planet of action, is also in Leo shaking things up a bit and making some sparks fly - helping us move into action where needed. 

A dynamic New Moon it is at the end July, and starting August with a loving bang!


August 21, 2019

What a fiery month of August with the Sun 🌞 in Leo together with Mars and Venus. Sparks of passion, love and leadership opportunities flying everywhere!

And now we are feeling this Leo energy winding down as we enter the season of Virgo and we feel the pull to start paying attention to detail, precision and planning. Time to put our passionate ideals into orderly and rational configurations. 

Mars the planet of action and initiative already entered Virgo ♍️ on August 19th paving the way, Venus, love and relationships followed on August 21st and the Sun 🌞 will consolidate this Virgo ♍️ season on August 23. 

So enjoy the last couple days of our Leo ♌️ season and get ready for planning ahead!!

#leo #moons #astrology #lionsgate#lion #fire #portal #sirius


Some MERCURY RETROGRADE highlights from 2019

Mercury Retrograde from July 7 to July 31, 2019

Mercury, the closest planet to circle the sun, started it’s retrograde motion in the sign of Leo on July 7 and will continue retrograding through the sign of Cancer from July 19-31. 

If you go outside and look at the evening sky just after sunset you can still catch a glimpse of Mercury setting on the western horizon. You might even see the red planet Mars riding the skies close by -which gives an energetic start to this retrograde cycle.

Mercury goes retrograde three times a year and during these times it is common for mishaps in communication and travel to occur. 

At this time it is wise to check your emails before pressing "send" so they don’t go out to the wrong recipient; check thoroughly any contracts you sign; and leave for the airport with enough time to catch your flight the day you travel. These are some examples of how to deal on a daily basis with a Mercury Retrograde cycle. 

Specifically this retrograde has Mercury moving through the zodiac signs of Leo and Cancer. We can harness this transit to reflect and work inwardly on our self-expression and creativity, sense of confidence, healing, family, our self-care and well-being. 

Mercury retrograde is also a time to slow down, re-evalue and review. It is significant that this Mercury Retrograde starts up between two eclipses (July 2 and July 16) and can further encourage us to reflect and redirect our habits and patterns related to our healing, health and well-being.

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer from July 19 to 31, 2019 

- How Mercury retrograde in the sign of Cancer is related to the recent eclipses. What it means. 

Just a reminder that Mercury is now retrograde until July 31st so make sure to check your emails before sending them out, read all your paperwork with extra care and especially, if you are signing legal documents, make sure to double and triple check them. 

However, on July 19 Mercury in its retrograde motion returns to the sign of Cancer, highlighting the themes of the July 2019 eclipses on the Cancer-Capricorn axis of the zodiac. These themes as we already experienced are related to: 

✨Family Life ad Work Life
✨Our roots and our place in the world
✨Mother father themes
✨Family, feeling safe and going out into the wold to create our destiny and reach our goals

What does this all mean? 
Mercury retrograding back to the zodiac sign of family, feeling safe, our emotional world, our family and our self care, is a way the universe is giving us some extra time to review these areas and especially in relation to the things we need to say, the words we use to communicate. 

✨Mercury is the planet of communication, both written and spoken, and our inner thoughts, the things we say to ourselves. And Mercury (communication) in Cancer (personal world) is leading us back to reflect on our personal and intimate forms of communication. 

✨What are the words we need to say to ourselves to create inner well being? 
✨What are the things we want to say to our family and those who are family to us? 
✨How do we communicate in the intimacy of our relationships? 
✨It is a time to go over and review the words we use, how we communicate and what we communicate. 
✨Are there words and thoughts we want to express, we need to say? 

in order to create a sense of well being, and a safe and loving place with people we are connected to. 

This is a good opportunity to do so with Mercury retrograde in the sign of our inner world, emotions and nurturing self-care. 

More to come in relation to the eclipses but now let’s think about the things we need to say
#leo #cancer#retrograde #moons 



#a time to nourish and nurture (1) #activation (1) #acuario (1) #aguatero (1) #air (1) #aire (1) #Amulet (1) #aquarius (1) #astrologia (1) #astrology (1) #communication (2) #DreamyPisces Water Cleansing #SparklingAires Fire Initiation (1) #freedom (1) #gemini (2) #gemini2017 (1) #libertad (1) #moon in cancer 2017 (1) #new moon (3) #reiki (1) #SuninAries2017 (1) #SuninCancer2017 (1) #sutribe (1) #urano (1) #uranus (1) #waterbearer (1) #where is home? (1) 2015 (2) 2022 (1) 7 DAYS of the WEEK 7 DIAS de la SEMANA (1) a sense of purpose and responsibility (1) a time to communicate (1) amulet (1) AQUARIUS NEW MOON 2011 (1) Aquarius New Moon 2015 (1) aquarius new moon ritual (1) ARIES NEW MOON 2008 The Beginning (1) ARIES/LIBRA AXIS (1) AriesMoon (1) as above so below (1) astrologia (1) astrology (4) balance (1) beauty (1) CaminodelDragon (1) cancer (2) Cancer New Moon (1) CANCER NEW MOON 2008 The Mystery of Caring for (1) Cancer new moon 2020 (1) cancereclipse (1) Capricorn (2) CAPRICORN NEW MOON (1) Capricorn New Moon 2019 (1) CapricornFullMoon (1) Capricornio (3) carloscastaneda (1) casa (1) communication (1) corazón (1) december (1) eclipse (2) Eclipses (1) EclipseSeason (1) equinoccio (1) Fearless Love (1) Fly walk with me (1) FULL MOON April 4 (1) fullmoon (1) gemini making connecitons (1) GEMINI NEW MOON 2008 Communication (1) GOALS and INTENTIONS (1) harmony (1) justice (1) Killin Stone Circle (1) Leo New Moon (1) LEO NEW MOON 2008 Life with passion (1) LeoNewMoon2020 (1) Libra (1) LIBRA NEW MOON 2008 Life as Art as Life (1) LibraNewMoon2019 (1) LibraNewMoon2020 MarsRetrograde2020 (1) LibraSun (1) love (1) lunaenleo (1) lunanueva (2) LunaNuevaLibra (1) mandala hands (1) MarsLibra (1) MarteRetrogrado (1) MATERIALIZE (1) mercury in cancer (1) mercury retrograde 2019 (1) moon power (1) moons (1) mountains to climb in 2016 (1) new moon (1) NEW MOON IN CAPRICORN 2016 (1) New Moon Intentions (2) New Moon Ritual (2) newmoon (1) Noble Heart (1) NodosLunares (1) Nurturing (1) nurturing your creative potential (1) Partial Eclipse (1) Pass on the Fire - Winter Solstice (1) PathoftheDragon (1) PICS by SUZANNE TRIBE (1) PISCIS NEW MOON 2011 (1) Pluto (1) Pluto flyby (1) pluton (1) poderpersonal (1) power (1) resources (1) Ring of Fire eclipse (1) ritual (1) SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON 2008 Expanding your Vision (1) saltar el surco (1) scorpio (1) scorpio new moon (2) SCORPIO NEW MOON 2008 Life Death and Renewal (1) scorpio transformation (1) Second Aquarius New Moon 2015 (1) signo (1) sol (2) solstice (3) Solstice 2019 (1) solstice 2020 (1) Solstice June 2019 (1) solstice magic (1) solsticio (4) SoulJourney (1) standingstones (2) Stonehenge (2) summer (1) sun (3) Sun and Moon in Leo (1) sun in gemini 2017 (1) Taurus (1) TAURUS NEW MOON 2008 Gathering energy for the journey (1) TAURUS NEW MOON 2015 (1) The Way of Mandala (1) Thinking outside the Box (1) TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE (1) Trail of new moons 2015 (1) transform (1) tropical astrology (1) tropical zodiac as sacred geometry (1) venus (1) VenusScorpio (1) verano (1) ViajedelAlma (1) Virgo Full Moon March 5 (1) VIRGO NEW MOON 2008 Less is More (1) What is astrology (1) WHAT IS ASTROLOGY 2007 AS ABOVE SO BELOW AS BELOW SO ABOVE (1) winter (2) words we need to say (1) zodiaco (1)